A last post from our meanderings across England takes us to Wallington Hall a National Trust property in Northumberland where there is a wildlife hide which is supposed to be good for red squirrels. We dipped out but saw some nice birds. For the third time in a week I managed not to get nuthatch at a site where they are regular, but as you can see my birding pal and good friend David got some good shots at the feeders. He missed the
brambling as it did not hang sround long enough for a photo, but the
siskin did.
Bumbarrels |
Siskin |
Mr Pheasant |
Troglodytes troglodytes |
Who's that coming? |
We planned to do the red kite trail through Galloway en route to Stranraer but the weather intervened and we were lucky to get through never mind see any birds. I don't know what your weather was like on Monday 27th February but it probably was better than this!!
Back home to WOW on Thursday with the good news that the camera is up and running and the WOW list went up a few. A walk along the BangorWest patch added a surprising
redwing and a
Mediterranean gull in the Marina, probably the same one which has been around Bangor for the last two to three weeks.
Med gull |
Turnstones at Stricklands Bay | | | | | | | | | |
Hopefully March will bring some migrants on both patches as the daylight lengthens and temperatures warm up.
Bangor West
52: Redwing
Belfast WOW
63: Bullfinch
64: Jackdaw
65: Starling
66: Rook
117: Siskin
118: Brambling
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