Nothing new to report in terms of the challenge as I have not seen anything new for quite some time. I have finally bit the bullet and volunteered at Belfast WOW. One morning a week and helping out with school visits so far. I think next year I will do a patchwork challence at WOW, the shipping chanel and Kinnegar. That should sustain interest over the year. A recent visit produced thesse shots from the observation room. The posing post is now high and dry as water levels are falling due to lack of rain. The tern island will soon be dry at this rate. The gull chicks have mostly fledged and the terns are on eggs. Hopefully they will hatch in late June. An average morning produces 25 - 30 species depending on what turns up and what way the tide is. High tide is better than low tide. The feeders attract chaffinch, greenfinch, goldfinch and redpoll on a daily basis.
Arctic tern |
Black-headed gull |
Shelduck |
Lovely shot of shelduck with its reflection