Saturday, 1 December 2018


Now you have the answer to the clue as WOW is now back to normal and water levels are slowly rising to the accepted level. There have been good numbers of birds around the reserve and counts have been 30+ each Thursday morning. First an update on the younger of the two black-tailed godwits mentioned in the last post. This is the eleven year old bird which was ringed in Iceland and has been a regular winter visitor to WOW and also across Belfast Lough in Whitehouse Lagoon.It goes by the quaint title of  GG - ORf  which translates from the Icelandic as green, green (Left leg) - Orange, red flag (right leg)

Here is the sighting history from its ringing in Iceland in July 2007

16.7.2007 Iceland,N Ice,Skagafjarðarsýsla,Fljót,Langhús 66.0610 -19.121
8.9.2007 Northern Ireland,N Ire,Antrim,Belfast,Belfast harbour RSPB 54.6538 -05.909
12.10.2007 Northern Ireland,N Ire,Down,Strangford Lough,Castle Espie 54.5324 -5.6901
12.10.2007 Northern Ireland,N Ire,Down,Strangford Lough,Castle Espie 54.5324 -5.6901
12.10.2007 Northern Ireland,N Ire,Down,Strangford Lough,Castle Espie 54.5324 -5.6901
15.10.2007 Northern Ireland,N Ire,Down,Strangford Lough,Castle Espie 54.5324 -5.6901
17.5.2008 Northern Ireland,N Ire,Antrim,Belfast,Belfast harbour RSPB 54.6538 -05.909
16.4.2009 Northern Ireland,N Ire,Antrim,Belfast,Belfast harbour RSPB 54.6538 -05.909
15.4.2010 Iceland,W Ice,Mýrasýsla,Mýrar,Vogalækur 64.5296 -22.205
16.4.2010 Iceland,W Ice,Mýrasýsla,Mýrar,Vogalækur 64.5296 -22.205
19.4.2010 Iceland,W Ice,Mýrasýsla,Mýrar,Vogalækur 64.5296 -22.205
21.4.2010 Iceland,W Ice,Mýrasýsla,Mýrar,Vogalækur 64.5296 -22.205
23.4.2010 Iceland,W Ice,Mýrasýsla,Mýrar,Vogalækur 64.5296 -22.205
26.4.2010 Iceland,W Ice,Mýrasýsla,Mýrar,Vogalækur 64.5296 -22.205
14.2.2012 Northern Ireland,N Ire,Antrim,Belfast,Belfast harbour RSPB 54.6538 -05.909
25.2.2012 Northern Ireland,N Ire,Antrim,Belfast,Belfast harbour RSPB 54.6538 -05.909
14.4.2012 Northern Ireland,N Ire,Antrim,Belfast,Belfast harbour RSPB 54.6538 -05.909
6.3.2013 Northern Ireland,N Ire,Antrim,Belfast,Belfast harbour RSPB 54.6538 -05.909
17.4.2013 Northern Ireland,N Ire,Antrim,Belfast,Belfast harbour RSPB 54.6538 -05.909
18.4.2013 Northern Ireland,N Ire,Antrim,Belfast,Belfast harbour RSPB 54.6538 -05.909
17.4.2014 Iceland,E Ice,S-Múlasýsla,Álftafjörður,Starmýri 64.5345 -14.552
21.3.2015 Northern Ireland,N Ire,Antrim,Belfast,Belfast harbour RSPB 54.6538 -05.909
25.2.2016 Northern Ireland,N Ire,Antrim,Belfast,Belfast harbour RSPB 54.6538 -05.909
6.3.2016 Northern Ireland,N Ire,Antrim,Belfast,Belfast harbour RSPB 54.6538 -05.909
31.7.2016 Northern Ireland,N Ire,Antrim,Belfast,Belfast harbour RSPB 54.6538 -05.909
5.10.2016 Northern Ireland,N Ire,Antrim,Belfast,Belfast harbour RSPB 54.6538 -05.909
26.10.2016 Northern Ireland,N Ire,Antrim,Belfast,Belfast harbour RSPB 54.6538 -05.909
27.10.2016 Northern Ireland,N Ire,Antrim,Belfast,Belfast harbour RSPB 54.6538 -05.909
10.11.2016 Northern Ireland,N Ire,Antrim,Belfast,Belfast harbour RSPB 54.6538 -05.909
10.12.2016 Northern Ireland,N Ire,Antrim,Belfast,Belfast harbour RSPB 54.6538 -05.909
4.10.2017 Northern Ireland,N Ire,Antrim,Belfast,Belfast harbour RSPB 54.6538 -05.909
4.10.2017 Northern Ireland,N Ire,Antrim,Belfast,Belfast harbour RSPB 54.6538 -05.909
23.12.2017 Northern Ireland,N Ire,Antrim,Belfast,Belfast harbour RSPB 54.6538 -05.909
5.4.2018 Northern Ireland,N Ire,Down,Strangford Lough,Castle Espie 54.5324 -5.6901
17.4.2018 Northern Ireland,N Ire,Down,Strangford Lough,Castle Espie 54.5324 -5.6901
19.8.2018 Northern Ireland,E N-Ire,Antrim,Belfast,Whitehouse Lagoon 54.6538 -05.909
8.11.2018 Northern Ireland,E N-Ire,Antrim,Belfast,Whitehouse Lagoon 54.6538 -05.909
10.11.2018 Northern Ireland,E N-Ire,Antrim,Belfast,Whitehouse Lagoon 54.6538 -05.909
11.11.2018 Northern Ireland,N Ire,Antrim,Belfast,Belfast harbour RSPB 54.6538 -05.909
39 records

As you can see it is a much travelled bird with a good sighting history and we were delighted to be able to help in scientific research and can only imagine the delight of the ringer when they get a sighting. Other than that not a lot to report, but birds are closer in.

The rising water levels at WOW meant that the staff decided to float the tern islands back to their winter quarters.This disturbed a young female peregrine which was snacking near the swift tower. It hung around  and gave good views especially when it had a go at the local buzzard.They also shifted about 600 wigeon, 60 moorhen, 60+ wigeon and 40+mallard. The second tern island re-location took an interesting "turn" with a hint of a Rod Stewart number about it. 

Clear the furniture
Wait for the assistant to return
Pretend we are on the Cam punting
Suddenly realise there is a brisk westerly wind, so open the sails and cruise across the lagoon to a Rod Stewart soundtrack, "We are sailing"
It actually worked very well and they made good progress before they had to down sails and head north to winter quarters with the poles and a bit of a push. As you can see WOW is still stuck on 99 and has been since early October, I need a diver or a sea duck and I need it soon. Keep looking!!

157: Twite

Bangor West
71: Curlew

Belfast WOW

99: Jay

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